Martin O’Malley is now campaigning to be Democrats’ “second choice” for president, which isn’t a thing. But the former governor of Maryland announced his futile goal today in a meeting with House Dems, who have mostly all said they support Hillary Clinton, in an apparent attempt to remind them that he still exists.

Per the Associated Press, O’Malley told the House Democratic Caucus during the meeting that America is searching for a new leader, which is true. That leader probably won’t be him, however—he is currently polling far below Clinton and Bernie Sanders at a dismal 4 percent among primary voters.

So instead of winning, he says, he’s aiming to be Democrats’ “second choice.” (No prizes for that.) As O’Malley told Real Clear Politics after the meeting,“I certainly asked all of the members, if I could not today be their first choice, I would like to today be their second choice and I look forward to their support in the future.”

A dystopian future in which no Democratic politician but O’Malley is alive to run against Donald Trump, maybe. Just keep him in mind.

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