Unwilling to let Taco Bell have all the fun with new fast food products, McDonald's announced on Monday that it will sell chicken wings nationwide starting in September. The bone-in wings, which McDonald's calls “Mighty Wings,” will be breaded, fried, and seasoned with cayenne and chili peppers.

Mighty Wings sold well enough during a trial run in Atlanta last year, but will they prove popular nationwide? Important chicken wing and fast food experts are divided on the subject.

As Business Week noted, the wings, which will cost $4.99 for five, are both more expensive and more difficult to eat than Chicken McNuggets. But Scott Hume, editor of BurgerBusiness, which broke the big news on Monday, thinks they will be a hit. “Wings is a major move,” he told USA Today. “It's like the Colonel adding a cheeseburger.”

And Bloomberg interviewed a financial analyst who was very optimistic about the announcement:

“They’re being more innovative, and they’re being more aggressive with the changes on their menu,” Peter Saleh, an analyst at New York-based Telsey Advisory Group, said in an interview. “This is good news because it’s in conjunction with the football season.”

Will they be good or bad? Will people actually buy them? Impossible to know! The only guaranteed successful change McDonald's could make would be to serve breakfast all day long.

[Image via AP]