[There was a video here]

Dr. Michael Baden, a respected medical examiner and author of the private Michael Brown autopsy report, appeared on Fox News Monday night to speculate on whether marijuana could have made Brown "do things to a police officer that normally he would not have done." (Hint—no.)

Baden was a guest on Greta Van Susteren's show when Susteren brought up the toxicology report, asking him whether Brown might have had drugs other than marijuana present in his system. In response, Baden delivered up a word salad about the "levels of different drugs that are present in marijuana."

Van Susteren: In terms of the toxicology—and I'll get to the bullet wounds in a second—does the fact that they found marijuana, does that exclude the fact that there might be other drugs in his system, or even that the marijuana was laced with anything? Is that the final analysis, or could there be more information to come in terms of the toxicology?

Baden: I don't know, because I haven't seen the toxicology report yet. That's part of the autopsy and that should be coming to the family in the next day or two.

Very important with marijuana is the levels of the different drugs that are present in marijuana to have an opinion as to whether or not he might have been affected by the marijuana, so that he may have been acting in a crazy way and may have done things to the police officer that normally he would not have done. Which would be the issue that might arise.

Compelling stuff.

[h/t Mediaite]