Michael Brown's Father Asks Protesters to Stop on Day of Son's Funeral

The funeral for Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo. this month, will be held on Monday morning. Michael Brown Sr., the child's father, told a St. Louis radio station that he'd like protestors to take the day off that Monday out of respect for his son.
In an interview with Hot 104.1 in St. Louis, Brown Sr. expressed his desire to have a peaceful day.
"I would like for no protesting going on," Michael Brown Sr. said during an interview on a St. Louis radio station, according to a Buzzfeed report. "We just want a moment of silence that whole day. Just out of respect for our son."
The White House will be sending three officials to attend Brown's funeral, NPR reports:
Broderick Johnson, chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, an Obama initiative to empower boys and men of color. Joining Johnson will be Marlon Marshall, deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Heather Foster, an adviser for the office.
Brown's funeral will be public and held at a baptist church in St. Louis that holds 2,500 people in its main sanctuary and 2,000 people in overflow sections.
[Image via AP]