America's Best Friend, Jennifer Lawrence, got drunk and puked at Madonna's Oscars after-party. But it wasn't entirely her fault, she explained to Seth Meyers last night.

See, J-Law went to this year's Oscars with her best friend Laura, who is apparently the kind of "bad influence" that gets you drunk fast and taking pictures with Brad Pitt faster. ("He smelled like sandalwood. It was unbelievable.") We all have this friend. If you don't, get new friends.

After high-tailing it to Madonna's A-list-only Oscars after-party, the Academy Award winner proceeded to puke on the porch. Miley was there to console her: "And I look behind me while I'm puking and Miley Cyrus is there like, 'Get it together.'"

Always a good sign.

Update: Miley has reportedly denied this ever happened.