Mitt Romney, Bad Comedian

Politics is often comedy. The fact that the robotic and unloveable Mitt Romney may run for president again is funny enough. But Mitt Romney running for president on an anti-poverty platform is truly a comic masterpiece.
Mitt, the stiff zillionaire white bread Mormon management consultant. Has there been much pining for him in the past three years, since he quietly shuffled off the national stage? Not that I have noticed, but I haven't been in Utah much.
It is easy to joke about Mitt Romney's inevitably doomed quest to win the Republican nomination once again, and to point out how it represents the fundamental disconnect between the people who fund campaigns and the people who actually vote in campaigns. But it is even easier to mock Mitt Romney's new pseudopopulist platform, most notably this portion described by the Washington Post:
Romney sought to cast particular blame on the president for promising but failing to make progress in dealing with these problems. "Under President Obama," he said, "the rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse and there are more people in poverty than ever before. Under this president, his policies have not worked. Their liberal policies are good every four years for a campaign, but they don't get the job done."...
On Friday night, he focused his sights on those who are struggling, saying it is "a human tragedy" that middle-class Americans do not believe that the lives of their children will be better than their own. "People want to see rising wages and they deserve them," he said.
Mitt Romney, who fought strenuously against an attempt to provide health care to poor Americans.
Mitt Romney, who ran on a platform of magically cutting taxes and raising revenue at the same time.
Mitt Romney, who was famously recorded denigrating recipients of government aid to wealthy donors during the last election.
Mitt Romney, who himself became fabulously wealthy in part by employing sophisticated and systematic strategies to dodge U.S. taxes on money he earned by outsourcing American jobs.
Mitt Romney, comedian.
If Mitt Romney is really concerned about raising the wages of the average American worker, the first thing he should do is to become a Democrat.
[Photo: AP]