Surveillance footage of an Australian man accused of murdering his fiancée, released this week as part of his murder trial, shows him dragging the woman inside their apartment, then panicking in an elevator moments after her body fell from their fifteenth-floor balcony.

The CC-TV footage shows Simon Gittany dragging his ballerina fiancée, Lisa Harnum, back inside the apartment, after she apparently attempted to leave.

Just 69 seconds later, Harnum was dead, and elevator security cameras show Gittany — clad in pajamas — pacing and grabbing his head.

Although Gittany reportedly told a police officer, "I hope the cameras were working," there is no footage of what happened after he dragged Harnum inside the apartment. Police testified that although they found three cameras, at least one of which was not visible to the naked eye, inside the apartment, none appeared to be working at the time of Harnum's death.

Gittany maintains Harnum stepped over the railing of their apartment and lost her footing.

[via YouTube]