The Washington Redskins—the team of choice for dumb, angry white men—may be a racist disgrace, but let's not forget that they're also a case study in hilariously incompetent propaganda-mongering.

If you looked at Twitter yesterday, you may have chuckled at the team's doomed attempt to rally support with a "#RedskinsPride" hashtag. But that's not the only incompetent PR move the team made yesterday! USA Today reports that the poor saps responsible for polishing the Redskins' reputation were so desperate to have a Real Live Native American standing on a podium with the Redskins logo in the background and smiling that they (randomly) "called the leader of a small Nevada tribe Thursday and asked him to come to the Washington region for a news media event with owner Daniel Snyder on Monday." If you are the sort of person who does not believe that a team named "Redskins" is racist, you'll never guess what happened next:

"Someone working for the team called me out of the blue to invite me to a meeting in D.C. with the team and its owners and wanted to know what I thought of the team name," [Chairman Joseph Holley of the Battle Mountain Band of Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians] said in an NCAI statement released to USA TODAY Sports. "They did not tell me what the meeting was about, what I would be doing or who else was invited and wanted my answer in just a few hours. My answer was no. I've got responsibilities to my community and members here at home and can't be running off to D.C. at a moment's notice to meet with a football team to do who knows what."

I guess that's better than "Fuck off, assholes." Baby steps.

[Photo: AP]