Darren Wilson is among the most notorious men in the country. But almost no one has a good sense of what he looks like. The only publicly released photo of him came from his father—until a set of photos gleaned from public social media accounts appeared tonight.

Wilson's been a ghost since killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. last month: No one knows where he is, and he'd mostly erased or locked down his social media accounts. But not entirely.

The photos—all of which, except for the one above, appear to be from his wedding to Ashley Nicole Wilson—were picked up by Colorlines. They include both professional photographs from the wedding photographer published on Facebook, and amateur guest photos that appear to have been hosted on the site Caringbridge.

Both photographs from Facebook appear in an album called "Ashley & Darren," taken in Old Monroe, Mo., about half an hour outside of Jennings, where Wilson was at the time employed as a police officer. Soon after, he left for the Ferguson Police Department; the marriage was terminated last November after Darren Wilson petitioned for divorce.

After his death, Michael Brown—who, according to a police report, stood 6-foot-4 and weighed nearly 300 pounds—was often described in the press as "gentle giant." The issue of Brown's size has been the subtext of the pro-Wilson faction's claim that Wilson was "scared for his life" when he fired six shots into Brown, but in the photo below—one of the first in which we've seen Wilson to scale with other human beings—the officer towers over his guests, clearly not a small man.