New York City's Dressed-Up Dogs of Winter

It's so cold outside, on the freezing streets of Manhattan. Yet the dogs must have their walks. They are city dogs, after all, and it takes an army of dog-walkers to get these beasts out of the apartments at regular intervals. We headed up to Central Park West to meet America's most pampered canines, all dressed up in their winter coats. Here's our first NYC dog of winter, in his red knitted sweater. It's Oliver, the French Bulldog!

Say hello to Ruby, a Long Haired Dachshund, in her faux-fur-lined parka. Is this the new Pantone color?

Look who's here, trotting down Columbus Avenue. It's Timmy, the French Poodle. Hello, Timmy!

A "Cockapoo" is an intentional mix of the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. Because it's not recognized by the dog-inbreeding associations, it's technically a mutt. But people who pay a lot of money for this kind of mutt call it a "designer dog." This Cockapoo is named Louis, and he's all personality and charm.

Sometimes you need a coat and a hoodie. This is Kaya, a Miniature Havanese, and she knows hoodies have definitely gone uptown.

Somebody is ready for the dang walk signal to come on, because Central Park is right across the street. This is Callie, a Wire Hair Fox Terrier and frisbee enthusiast. Callie's mostly decorative Christmas sweater says, "Being NICE Paid Off."

Here's Molly, who is quite used to photographers. Why? Because Molly has been on NY1, and works as a canine buddy at Mt. Sinai. Her sweater goes perfectly with her natural coat, doesn't it?

How does an Australian Shepherd feel about Columbus Circle when it's 20 degrees in the shade of a skyscraper? Cold. This is Jed, who will feel much better once he's in the park and in the sunshine.

Surely you've wondered, at various times in life, if Hungarians have a national dog. They do, and any walk around Budapest is an opportunity to see the Vizsla, a breed that goes back to 9th Century Magyar tribal wars or something. This very noble example of the breed, Bolt, struck a series of regal poses for us. But we liked this one best.

Thanks to the dogs—and their people—for letting us take these pictures. Merry Christmas, dogs!
Victor Jeffreys II runs Gawker's photoblog, Dodge & Burn. Ken Layne writes Gawker's American Journal and American Almanac.