Last week was all about Quentin Tarantino at the New York Post—with the number of articles about the Pulp Fiction director skyrocketing literally infinitely over the last year. After the staggering increase, New Yorkers of a certain age can’t help but be reminded of the last time it seemed like the maverick director appeared in the tabloid this regularly.

The paper has published 14 articles about the filmmaker over the seven-day period ending at midnight tonight, an investigation into the Post’s website reveals. That compares to zero Tarantino pieces it printed over the same period in 2014, before the director appeared at an anti-police brutality rally and drew the Post’s reactionary ire—an infinity percent spike. Infinity!

The articles included two separate dispatches on the filmmakers’ father: “Even Quentin Tarantino’s dad thinks he’s a jerk for anti-cop comments,” published October 30, and “Tarantino’s dad to release movie about NYPD,” published November 2.

Also included in the week’s Tarantino targeting was yesterday’s cover. “Just say it, Quentin,” the paper pleaded. “Say you are...SORRY.”

Three articles published over four days took aim at the director’s refusal to apologize for attending the event. On Halloween, there was “Quentin Tarantino stays silent after calling cops ‘murderers’”; on November 2, “Pressure is on Tarantino to apologize for calling cops murderers”; on November 3, “Tarantino refuses to apologize for anti-cop comments.”

Hours after the last of these appeared on the Post website, the paper’s editorial board published a condemnation of the Inglorious Bastards auteur: “Tarantino hits a new low by playing the victim.” Just this afternoon, another devastating shot: “Tarantino blasts Eric Garner case while defending anti-cop comments.”

Consider all 14 articles, stacked up like bodies in the street:

It’s a dark time at the New York Post, and this unprecedented upsurge in Tarantino articles doesn’t bode well. Before now, an infinite increase in coverage didn’t even seem possible—but statistics don’t lie.

Think back to the early 1990s: crack, squeegee men, catapulting murder rate, Reservoir Dogs new in theaters, and golden boy Tarantino a media darling. It pains me to say it, but it’s true: at the New York Post, the bad old days are back.

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