NEW YORK POST EXCLUSIVE: Bill de Blasio Overcame Father’s Suicide

Today the New York Post published A GAME-CHANGING SCOOP concerning New York City’s mayoral race. It turns out the father of Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio, Warren Wilhem, committed suicide in 1979 after divorcing de Blasio’s mother and struggling with late-stage terminal cancer.
Bill de Blasio has said relatively little about his absent father—a Yale graduate whose life went into a tailspin after his brutal military service in World War II sparked heavy drinking.
But public records uncovered by The Post show that his dad’s life didn’t just turn tragic in the decades after he lost part of his leg in the Battle of Okinawa—it ended tragically as well.
On a July morning in 1979, Warren Wilhelm was found with a self-inflicted gun wound in a parked car outside the Rocky River Motel in New Milford, Conn.
Did you know that fact about Bill de Blasio? Now you know that fact about Bill de Blasio. The New York Post’s right-leaning editorial brain trust, or the opposition research stooges who almost certainly planted it, want to make sure you know it.
But why? The more we learn about the candidate from the Post, the more mysteries emerge—just not about the candidate. Today’s news reminds us of what we really don’t know:
1) Whether the Post, a voluminous conduit of would-be negative de Blasio “scoops” (e.g., his college yearbook picture, WHICH MAYBE INDICATES HE SMOKED POT), understands that depicting de Blasio as a person who managed to succeed in life despite the tragic, violent death of his World War II veteran father can only further boost public favor of the candidate;
2) Whether the Post realizes that tagging a story about the tragic death of de Blasio’s father as an “EXCLUSIVE” is not only false but also almost unbelievably morbid;
3) Whether the thought of an unprofitable vanity tabloid claiming sole credit for the painful memory of a parent’s tragic, violent death even slightly disturbed a single Post editor’s conscience;
4) What this has to do with the New York City mayoral race;
5) What this has to do with absolutely anything.
[Photo: New York Post]