“Carly Fiorina Spotted At Newark Airport,” wrote NBC News today, which is funny because “spotted” is actually the exact opposite of what happened.

Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina was spotted in the security line at the Newark airport. She was traveling to Oklahoma City for a private event and then to Iowa to attend the Family Leader Foundation Presidential Family Forum Friday night.

Like everyone else, Fiorina took her shoes off as she went through the security line. No one approached her as she moved through the security check or after at the terminal’s sole sit-down restaurant, Earl of Sandwich, where she ate.

Carly Fiorina eating without disruption at Earl of Sandwich in Newark Liberty is either the most depressing or most heartening image of the presidential campaign thus far, depending on how good that sandwich was.

UPDATE: Orlando Montagu—descendant of both the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who is said to have popularized the sandwich in the 18th century, and the 11th Earl of Sandwich, who merely started the sandwich chain Earl of Sandwich—has emailed me to claim that Carly Fiorina will win the presidency. Let’s hope not!!!

Orlando Montagu
5:19 PM (13 minutes ago)
to me

“...how good the sandwich was?” Like Obelix’s magic potion, she’s now unbeatable!!
Best Orlando
Thanks for coverage!

Hon Orlando Montagu
John, 11th Earl of Sandwich
Founders, Earl of Sandwich

[image via Getty]

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com.