Earlier this week, the Seattle Police Department released a never-before-seen note taken from Kurt Cobain's wallet at his suicide scene. The note, presumably written by Cobain, mocks his wife, Courtney Love, calling her a "siphon" and a "bitch with zits."

"Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife," Cobain wrote. "even when she's a bitch with zits and siphoning all yr money for doping and whoring…"

The note, first obtained by CBS News and written on stationery from San Francisco's Phoenix hotel, offers a slightly different view of Love than the one in Cobain's suicide note, which described her as "goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy."

Before the 20th anniversary of Cobain's suicide earlier this month, police in Seattle "reexamined" his death and released dozens of new photographs from the suicide scene.

[Image via AP]