Brennan Clay is a free agent NFL running back who this week alleged that his wife is cheating on him with star Dallas Cowboys running back Demarco Murray, pictured above, who was also Clay's teammate at the University of Oklahoma. Tonight, Clay posted naughty text messages he says show Murray asking his wife if they can fuck in her bed.

Here are the texts Clay says are between his wife Gina and Murray, who currently leads all NFL running backs in yards.

Murray is indeed from Las Vegas. For non-football fans who might be confused by the text message image, the grey boxes show the person alleged to be Murray chatting with Clay's wife about a tryout Clay had with the San Diego Chargers. The prospect of Clay moving, or at least being away then appears to spark Murray to allegedly ask Clay's wife if they can fuck in her bed.

Murray, whose team is playing right now in Chicago, hasn't responded to Clay's allegations. Clay, in an earlier tweet, says he has only revealed the "tip of the ice berg."

[image via Getty]