Nightmare Lawsuit Claims Woman Died Trying to Escape Morgue Freezer

The family of 80-year-old Maria de Jesus Arroyo has filed a lawsuit against a hospital in Los Angeles after a pathologist determined that Arroyo was declared dead prematurely and frozen alive. She then "eventually woke up" and injured herself trying (and failing) to escape. Oh!
The lawsuit states that Arroyo was pronounced dead after suffering from a heart attack, and her family visited to say their goodbyes before she was taken to the hospital's morgue. When morticians retrieved her body a few days later (this is a fun story, I hope it never ends!), she was found with a broken nose and cuts and bruises on her face. The injuries were initially attributed to the mishandling of her remains, but were found to be otherwise by a pathologist hired by the family's attorney. (The pathologist claims she "damaged her face and turned herself face down as she struggled unsuccessfully to escape her frozen tomb.") (Oh!)
Hospital officials released a statement, saying: "We followed all proper protocols in this matter and are confident that once the facts of the case are reviewed, we will prevail in court."
Nightmares released a statement, saying: "See you tonight!"