Nine Animal Brains Found Near Railroad Tracks in Upstate New York

Hey, did you recently throw nine animal (maybe dog) brains off a moving train? If so, please return to Gouverneur, New York, which has your maybe dog brains, The NY Daily News reports.
According to, police found the mysterious brains near a railroad crossing on Wednesday, taking one to a local veterinarian who identified it as possibly belonging to a beagle.
“It had been professionally removed and preserved … it was in very good condition,” said Dr. Timothy Monroe told North Country Now. “You have to appreciate when you remove a brain from a skull, which is made of bone, you have to cut the bone all the way around. This had not been damaged, or nicked, or cut in its removal.”
As the brains had been preserved in formaldehyde for research, authorities believe no crime was committed other than littering.
“It’s nothing to be really concerned about, other than somebody polluted a particular street in our community,” said Sgt. Gordon Ayen.
As of Thursday, seven of the brains remained in the road, WNYF reports.