Univ. of Texas Can't Figure Out Where 100 Jars of Brains Went
Aleksander Chan · 12/03/14 03:25PMDoctors Find Wiggly Tapeworm in Headache Sufferer's Brain
Hudson Hongo · 11/22/14 12:05PMCheck Your Brain, Check Out Hers: Lucy
Rich Juzwiak · 07/25/14 03:22PM
Luc Besson's Lucy is a movie about a woman who can access 100 percent of her brain that asks you the viewer to use less of yours. The premise is based on the oft-repeated fallacy that humans only use 10 percent of their brains, and if we could only harness our full capacity, we'd be enlightened gods. Not only is this untrue (virtually 100 percent of a normally functioning brain is used for some aspect of cognitive, motor, or involuntary functioning), it is a cliché. There are dozens of examples on the "90% of your brain" TV Tropes entry of pop culture that reiterate this bogus claim. Lucy, in which large doses of a synthetic form of CPH4 cause the brain of Scarlett Johansson's titular protagonist to expand, then, is not so much sci-fi as it is fi-fi.
Man Sold Stolen Antique Brains on eBay
Sarah Hedgecock · 01/02/14 05:02PMThe Left-Brain-Right-Brain Distinction is as Fake as it Always Sounded
Maggie Lange · 08/16/13 09:33AMTeen Girl's Smashed Skull Proves Jamestown Creeps Were Cannibals
Ken Layne · 05/01/13 12:16PM
Jamestown was a gruesomely failed start to the English colonization of America. The people were malnourished and disease-ridden and too dumb to eat the bountiful fish and fruits all around them. Most of the settlers were dead within the first year, and in the second hungry winter of 1609-10, the starving survivors chopped open the skull of a newly dead 14-year-old girl and feasted upon her brains.
Will We Ever Be Able to Transplant Human Brains?
Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/13 03:17PM
Hello. It's time for "Hey, Science," our notoriously scientific weekly feature in which we have your most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for our reluctant army of scientific enlistees, whether they know it or not. This week, neurosurgeons answer the question: Will we ever be able to transplant human brains?
This Guy's Scalp Looks Like the Surface of a Brain
Max Read · 10/18/12 12:36PMAll the Most Delicious Foods Are Making You Dumb
Caity Weaver · 05/15/12 06:25PMBrain Surgery: A D.I.Y. Guide
Caity Weaver · 05/09/12 05:55PMTechnique Used to Manipulate Paralyzed Monkeys Could Probably Also Work to Mobilize a Zombie Army
Caity Weaver · 04/18/12 09:26PMBrain Dead People Actually Thinking 'Dang' The Whole Time
Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 05:05PMIs Facebook Making Our Brains Bigger?
Adrian Chen · 10/19/11 11:47AMRobots Are Getting Irish Brains
Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/11 04:19PMWoman Leaves Dentist's Office with Foreign Accent
Jeff Neumann · 06/01/11 05:27AM
Imagine going in for a rather routine dental surgery, and leaving with a foreign accent. That's what happened to Karen Butler after she was put under and had several teeth removed. "I just went to sleep and I woke up and my mouth was all sore and swollen, and I talked funny. And the dentist said, you'll talk normal when the swelling goes down," she told NPR. But she never went back to normal, and now has an accent that's "a combination of British, Irish and Eastern European."
City Birds Have Bigger Brains
Adrian Chen · 04/28/11 01:55PMHow to Use Magnets to Mess Up Your Brain
Max Read · 04/11/11 09:01PMWhy You Don't Have a Spiny Penis
Max Read · 03/10/11 02:02AM
Human penises, much to the relief of most humans, lack the "barb-like structures found in many mammals" known as penile spines. For many of us, knowing that we will never encounter a barbed penis is enough; for scientists, who are the guy at the party saying, "I mean, sure, it's a nice present, but have you checked out its teeth?" the human penis's curious lack of spines is a question to be asked, and answered, and told to everyone.