A nice lesson for teenage Kardashian daughters Kendall and Kylie Jenner might be that it's fun to explore your passions without consideration for subsequent monetary gain. Perhaps that's the takeaway from the news that the teens' dystopian sci-fi novel, Rebels: City of Indra, sold approximately 0 copies.

According to Nielsen BookScan data obtained by Radar, the book that the Jenner girls didn't exactly write has sold just 13,000 copies since it went on sale in June. Comparatively speaking, reality star Lauren Conrad's novels sold about 250,000 copies each in the first year.

Perhaps people aren't interested in Rebels: City of Indra because Kendall and Kylie admitted upfront it's based on a movie that doesn't exist. The pair told Good Morning America, "We were saying, if we were to do a movie, like, what would we wanna do? Like, if we were to be in it, like, what movie would we wanna be in?"

Maya Sloan ghostwrote the novel, which is set 200 years in the future and follows the journey of two girls who don't realize they're twins. I bet it was fun to write.

[Photo via Getty]