In 2010, Northwestern University's esteemed, sanctimonious Medill journalism school changed its name to include the phrase "integrated marketing communications," raising a few eyebrows among the journalists-who-care-about-honesty set. Now, Medill is apparently struggling to spell its own title. Instant karma?

Diplomas handed out to honors students at Medill's graduation over the weekend read "Medill School of Journalism, Media, Itegrated Marketing Communications," which, in case you missed it, leaves out a letter from "integrated." The lack of an "and" is apparently intentional.

A representative of the university told Romenesko the issue only affected a handful of diplomas:

"It appears that about 30 of the more than 250 diplomas given out at Saturday's two graduation ceremonies had a spelling error. The diplomas are issued by the university, so we will work with the NU registrar's office Monday to provide new diplomas to these students."

According to Kit Fox, the alumnus who spotted the error, "students are mostly taking it with good humor."