Nude Pregnant Kim Kardashian Statue Unveiled by Infamous Artist

Contemporary sculptor Daniel Edwards, whom you may recall from such works of art as nude Britney Speaks giving birth on a bearskin rug and nude Paris Hilton being prepped for an autopsy, is back to manufacturing controversy with his latest masterpiece — nude Kim Kardashian showing off her pregnant belly and "lactiferous breasts."
L.A. Fertility was officially unveiled yesterday at the LAB ART Gallery in Los Angeles where visitors were invited to give it "a respectful rub for good luck and success."
As for why he sculpted Kim K naked and without arms, Edwards told Los Angeles magazine he wanted people to focus less on "the creases in her armpits" or "how she wore a dress that makes her look like a killer whale" and more on her "beauty."
[H/T: USA Today, photos via Getty, Cory Allen Contemporary Art]