A Staten Island mother of ten is suing the NYPD, saying that the cops stormed into her home without a warrant and viciously killed her pet parakeet.

Evelyn Lugo's home became a crime scene in 2012 when her son got into an altercation with police over a traffic cone. He was taking out the trash when officers stopped him to ask about an orange cone that was saving a public parking spot.

One of the cops demanded identification and grabbed Lugo's son's arm, but he broke free and ran inside the house. According to the Daily News, the police began knocking first-floor windows out.

When Lugo opened the front door, officers forcefully entered the house, knocking over her parakeet's cage in the process.

“I screamed, ‘The bird!’ ” Lugo’s daughter Anna Febles told the Daily News, “and he said, ‘F—- the bird,’ and he, like, stepped on it.”

In addition to the police birdtality, Lugo's daughter and son were apparently pepper sprayed, and two other people who were present at the house also emerged with facial lacerations and other head injuries.

There were initially charges brought against some of the family members, but all were dropped, according to DNAinfo.

The NYPD has not commented on the lawsuit.

[image via Shutterstock]