NYPD Is Sick of "Techie Brat" Protesters Using Dang Twitter to Organize

According to an extended whinge from the New York Post's police sources, New York City protesters gained the upper hand over NYPD during demonstrations following the Darren Wilson announcement using the cutting edge of 2006 technology: Twitter and disposable cell phones.
"Anarchist" demonstrators were able to "create mayhem" last week, the Post's anonymous expertsreport, with darned computers and Wi-Fi:
"They wore me out," said one counterterror expert who monitored the protests. "Their ability to strategize on the fly is something we haven't dealt with before to this degree."
While the NYPD actively monitors Twitter, Facebook and other social media for intelligence, sources said the official chain of command keeps squadrons of cops from moving around as quickly as protesters.
A "technology gap" also favors the activists, many of whom have the newest electronic gear, sources said.
"A lot of these anarchists are from the Occupy Wall Street group. They are little rich kids, little techie brats,'' a source said.
"They get their money from Mommy and Daddy. And they travel from the West Coast to the East Coast and everywhere in between to disrupt events that involve corporate America, world summits, civil rights and especially those that involve law enforcement."
"They have their little MacBook Air computers, their Wi-Fi, their smartphones, and they're off to the races. We're reacting to these situations, which means we are not fully in control of them," the source said.
As ANIMAL's Rhett Jones points out, by drawing the line to Occupy Wall Street, the NYPD is showing its ass a little: It's probably that Ferguson protesters organized using Twitter, just like OWS people did, and it's also true that Occupy Wall Street was three years ago. Surely the police have had enough time to figure this out!
The Post's cops go on to say they are "expecting strong reaction and demonstrations when the decision comes down" on whether to indict Daniel Pantaleo, the Staten Island cop who choked Eric Garner to death in July. And why might there be a strong reaction?
[Image via AP]