Cop Who Put Eric Garner in Fatal Chokehold Wants Back on the Force
Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/15 11:25AMChokehold Cop Who Killed Eric Garner Insists He Didn't Use a Chokehold
Andy Cush · 12/11/14 12:45PM
If you were so inclined, watching the video of Eric Garner's death, there are a few flimsy defenses you could make of the killer cop. You could say the use of force was warranted, or that Garner was wrong to resist arrest. One seemingly irrefutable point, however, is that Daniel Pantaleo choked him.
David Brooks Loves Cops
Leah Finnegan · 12/09/14 07:05PM
David Brooks, a man with a national newspaper platform upon which he can reflect and analyze events for potentially millions of readers, is using that rich platform to ruminate on the recent grand jury non-indictments in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, innocent men who were killed for no reason by police officers.
How Mayor de Blasio Warned His Own Son About His Police Force
Andy Cush · 12/03/14 06:27PMDuring a speech about a Staten Island grand jury's failure to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, Bill de Blasio shared a crushing personal anecdote: Even the mayor of New York has to have "the talk" with his black son about the interactions he'll have with police.
Killer Cop Who Choked Eric Garner Walks Free
Andy Cush · 12/03/14 02:30PM
Daniel Pantaleo, the Staten Island NYPD officer who killed Eric Garner with a chokehold in July, will not face charges for the killing, a grand jury reportedly decided today. Garner, who was asthmatic, pled with police about his inability to breathe several times during the struggle that led to his death.