A Brooklyn man was arrested and detained for 24 hours by NYPD officers after they allegedly mistook the Jolly Rancher candies in his pocket for rocks of methamphetamine.

Love Olatunjiojo says he and two friends had just purchased the sweets at the Coney Island candy megastore It'Sugar and were walking away when they were stopped by Officer Jermaine Taylor.

A subsequent frisk by several other officers returned "two red crystalline rocks of solid material and four blue crystalline rocks of solid material."

Taylor, who claimed in the arrest affidavit that he "had professional testing as a police officer in the identification of methamphetamine," insisted that a field test of the substance — which was still in its original "Jolly Rancher" wrapping — returned a positive result for meth.

Olatunjiojo and his friend were both detained on a possession change, and a third friend was placed in custody for interfering with police after he attempted to inform the cops that the "meth" was regular candy.

Olatunjiojo was released 24 hours later, after the NYPD lab confirmed the colorful rocks were indeed Jolly Ranchers, but Brooklyn district attorney’s office waited until September 19th to formally drop the charges against him.

In a lawsuit filed last week against the department, Olatunjiojo seeks unspecified damages, alleging he was unlawfully imprisoned and strip searched.

"I don’t know if these cops have been watching ‘Breaking Bad," said Olatunjiojo's lawyer Kenneth Smith, "but my client is not Walter White."

[photos via Facebook]