
What It's Like to Be Gay in Rikers

Rich Juzwiak · 06/09/15 09:54AM

A few years ago, I talked to a guy in his mid-30’s on Grindr who said he wanted to have condomless sex with me. He assured me he was on Truvada. I declined but kept in touch. When I started writing my first Truvada story in late 2013, I wanted first-hand accounts of PrEP users so I reached back out to him in an attempt to interview him. He flaked on me multiple times and I didn’t hear from him again until a few weeks ago. He hit me up on Facebook to tell me he missed our interviews because he was on meth at the time. Furthermore, he had just gotten out of Rikers. He told me if I ever wanted to publish something about what it’s like to be a (white) gay man in that jail, I should hit him up. I agreed immediately, met him for brunch, and had him tell me his story. He asked to remain anonymous. The first-person account below is the result of our interview.

Around the World In a K-Hole

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/09 01:30PM

Since the long weekend's coming up, let's learn about the latest news on dangerous illegal drugs, shall we? Yes. It's international: Special K is everywhere in Asia, "legal highs" are threatened in Britain, and in British Columbia, kids are joining the Crystal Meth Society!:

Will Crystal Meth Trump NYC Vanity?

Sheila · 10/27/08 12:57PM

Crystal (which we hear the clubgays are calling "Bristol," although maybe that's just a tipster pulling our leg) is fast replacing cocaine in New York City, reports UPI. Why? It's cheaper, as the price of snow is going way up. Parties are about to get a lot more paranoid and chattery, with far more "shivering messes" than usual. Unless.... well, public-service messages are usually annoying, but we figure that this one might actually work for looks- and youth-obsessed New Yorkers and gays: before and after pics from Faces of Meth campaign. Problem solved.