Next month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will replace CGI Federal, the Canadian IT contractor that botched the construction and launch of the Obamacare website, with Dublin-incorporated tech services firm Accenture to smooth things out.

The federal government's initial contract with CGI expires on Feb. 28.

The website's been broke since October. (I can relate.)

Enrollment snafus aside, Politico cites co-op insurers and health industry experts warning that has backlogged payments from customers who have managed to sign-up for coverage through the federal website. Both the administration and the insurers continue to hedge on their publicized deadlines, as new health care consumers fumble through an unprecedented landscape. And while the Obama administration hypes December's online enrollment spike, it's unclear how many of these new accounts will actually submit payments for coverage in January.

Many political observers will welcome this latest rearrangement of swivel chairs in the IT department as the latest step in expanding affordable healthcare access to millions of Americans. Others will pray that finally, never again must we humor a million death knell polemics and Daily Show sketches about web design.