Image: YouTube

In this week’s White House address, President Obama has a bone-chilling message for our nation’s youths: Stay away from drugs—or you, too, could end up like 9/11 truther and occasional anti-semitic caricature Macklemore.

Obama begins the clip by informing those of us who don’t share his “same love” for hip hop who exactly Macklemore is. “Same Love,” of course, is Macklemore’s hit single that famously ended discrimination against same-sex couples back in 2012. It’s little hip-hop joke for the in-crowd. Don’t worry if you don’t get it.

The video comes just after the House passed a (notably weak) bipartisan set of bills meant to fight against the country’s opioid addiction epidemic. It also comes after President Obama was forced to spend an extended period of time with Macklemore, a recovering addict himself.

So listen to Obama, kids: Don’t do drugs. Don’t be like Macklemore.