For those of us who live on the East Coast, contemplating the demise of Los Angeles at the hands of Mother Nature is like watching a horror movie, rather than like being in a horror movie. Did you know one little earthquake could make the whole place dry up and blow away?

If you are a realist/ pessimist, you have already accepted that L.A. will soon be struck by a devastating earthquake that will reduce most structures to piles of rubble. But did you also know that, despite being a huge metropolis, L.A.'s water situation is completely vulnerable to the earthquake that will hit the city, sooner or later?

The LA Times reports that city leaders are racing to develop a slightly better plan for getting water to the city in the event of an earthquake. The current plan is, the whole city is served by three aqueducts, and they cross a bunch of fault lines, and they'll all break into a million pieces in the event of an earthquake. Not "optimal," as city planners say. One big earthquake could leave 22 million people with no water. No water! Mad Max shit on the West Coast! Even the mayor acknowledges that they, uh, better do something here. Guess how long it might take to get things up and running again?

Water is "one of L.A.'s greatest earthquake vulnerabilities," Garcetti said. "If it were to take six months to get our water system back … residents and businesses would be forced to relocate for so long that they might never come back."

Wow. Real estate would be so cheap.

Leave L.A. at once or don't say we didn't give you good advice.

[Photo of the city's state of the art hydration system: AP]