Today we lost the dashing, dry-witted, über-talented Peter O'Toole, and his legendary performances are rightly being commemorated. But O'Toole had more than just acting chops — he had the charisma and the gravitas to, say, pull off riding into Letterman smoking a cigarette atop a camel, which he later fed a Heineken.

"I believe that's called a stupid pet trick," he said dryly afterwards.

He also mentioned a failed plan to prank Letterman with Omar Sharif, with whom he "lost much of his 'Lawrence' earnings in two nights... at casinos in Beirut and Casablanca," in the 70's, according to the New York Times obit.

The clip also includes a great story involving Sharif, brandy, camels, milk and a rope.

Bonus clips:

Peter O'Toole quotes Spice Girls lyrics. (“I’m a professional,” he once said in an interview, “and I’ll do anything — a poetry reading, television, cinema, anything that allows me to act.”)

O'Toole and Orson Welles discuss Hamlet

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