Everyone is guilty of a little procrastination sometimes. If you're a writer, you might screw around for an hour before actually putting together a blog post; if you're a mechanic, perhaps you let a few repairs pile up before handling them. Funeral directors are no different: sometimes you just have to fill a storage unit with dead bodies until you get around to a proper burial.

Joseph O'Donnell, one such man, was arrested in April on larceny charges after he was unable to give a burial service and couldn't return the $12,000 in pre-paid fees the family had paid him. Last night, police found 12 dead bodies in a Weymouth, Mass. storage unit leased in O'Donnell's name.

Police do not believe the bodies were the victims of violence, Reuters reports. Said Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley:

"Our top priority right now is determining the identity of the remains we've discovered. We've seized records and documents that could help us locate those people's families, but this will be a time- and labor-intensive task."

Earlier this week, cops found cremated ashes in another storage unit rented to O'Donnell in Somerville, Mass. He is currently being held on April's larceny charges.

[Image via AP]