Police Say Electrocuted Train Surfer Was a Young Male Model

Police say the man who caught on fire while riding on top of a train car this weekend was a 21-year-old model and actor from Cleveland, Ohio. He died in the hospital Monday, family members and an extremely distraught agent told reporters.
Brian McClellan apparently caught fire around 5 a.m. Sunday while train surfing on a Manhattan-bound Metro-North train. Authorities discovered his burning body when the train's power suddenly went out while entering Riverside Station.
According to NBC Connecticut, McClellan had been "surfing" for some time before the accident—video from the Stamford station about 15 minutes away shows an "apparently intoxicated" man climbing on to the train.
An MTA spokesperson said McClellan had probably been electrocuted by a pantrograph, a mechanical arm that transfers 12,500 volts of electricity between the overhead electrical wires and the train. Officials believe there may have been an explosion before McClellan caught fire.
But apparently no one is suffering more than McClellan's agent, who told the Daily News that he had his favorite client booked for a Hillary Duff TV Land series and a Pierce Brosnan film this week.
The peak came after a bit of a rut for McClellan, who was still learning to balance the responsibilities of adulthood, Colby said. He also had a bit of a daredevil streak, Colby said, like many of the young men he represents.
"It's part of what you do when you're a boy between 17 and 25 years old and you think you're invincible," the devastated agent said of his client, whom he described as having a "beautiful smile." "If I was annoyed about something, I couldn't stay mad at him for more than 5 minutes because he'd do something to change the mood," Clady added.
McClellan's family and friends also say they will miss him. His mother was reportedly able to see him at the hospital before he passed away from his injuries.