An Oregon mom told police that a strange man broke into her house, hid in her 7-year-old daughter's bedroom, and escaped through the window early Tuesday morning. The intruder left behind a photo in the girl's closet and a replaced the cartoons in her DVD player with a porn disc.

Salem Police believe the man hid in the closet earlier in the day and waited until the family was asleep to make his escape, Salem's KPTV reports. The girl told her mom she woke up because she felt someone stepping on her bed, then she saw him leave through the window.

"To know that a man was in my home when I got here. To know he heard me go in there to tell my daughter 'Good night, I love you, I'll see you in the morning.' Very scary," the mom told KPTV.

Police said a related incident was reported about an hour later, 3 hours down the road. In that case, a woman woke up to find a man standing on her bed, about to touch her. She screamed and he ran off.

[h/t NY Daily News, Photo: KPTV]