Yep—that’s a big pink dildo hitting the face of New Zealand’s Economic Development Minister Stephen Joyce at a press conference today. The dildo tosser, identified by the Huffington Post as Josie Butler, was mad about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

After throwing the dildo—with excellent aim and force, I might add—Butler yelled, “That’s for raping our sovereignty!” You can watch her get escorted away in the video below:

According to the Huffington Post, police in Waitangi, New Zealand, detained Butler for several hours but didn’t charge her with any crime.

The New Zealand Herald reports that Butler showed up to an anti-TPP protest in Auckland yesterday, where she told reporters, “I’m here as a nurse because I’m worried about the patient rights and how many people will essentially die if this goes through because the price of medication’s going up, so yeah, it’s something I feel really strongly about.”

The multinational trade deal was signed in Auckland yesterday.

For his part, Joyce didn’t seem to upset about getting a dildo in the face. He told reporters after the blow, “We actually thought it was a little bit humorous at the end of it all. New experiences in politics every day; it’s the privilege of serving.”

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