Today, Forbes published a roundup of the "morning routines" of "12 Women Leaders." Sadly, Angela Merkel is not included in the roundup, but RLJ Lodging Trust CFO Leslie Hale is! Same diff. Here is a snippet of designer Stacey Bendet's morning routine:

4:45 Wake up and have a bowl of quinoa cereal. I do an hour or so of 3rd or 4th series ashtanga yoga.

6am My little ladies wake up and I make their breakfast—green milk (almond milk with coconut water, banana and steamed baby spinach) and either whole wheat French toast or pancakes. I usually run downstairs to get dressed while they eat and then I get them dressed and do their hair.

Weird, we have the same morning schedule. For contrast, here is woman leader/Gawker Managing Editor Lacey Donohue's morning routine:

Lacey: 4:45 a.m. wake up to buzz on my phone with someone asking me a question

Lacey: 5:00 turn alarm off when it goes off because i'm already up

Lacey: 5:05 chug entire glass of water because I read somewhere years ago that it's good for you

Leah Finnegan: do you put lemon in it?

Lacey: no, too much work

Lacey: 5:06 make coffee and turn on computer on the kitchen counter

Lacey: 5:07 put on bathrobe and uggs

Lacey: 5:08 begin work on couch

Lacey: 7:00 move to desk and take off bathrobe to be more dignified

Lacey: and then sometime between 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m I sneak in a shower

Women can be so different from each other! Tell us below, powerful women, what is your morning routine?

[Photo via Shutterstock]