Randy Quaid—the Beard Quaid, the Sex Tape Quaid, the Squatting Quaid, the Not-Dennis Quaid—was arrested Wednesday in Montreal by Canada Border Services agents, the CBC reports. It’s Quaid’s second arrest in Canada this year.

Evi Quaid, Randy’s wife and sex tape costar, told the CBC the arrest came as a complete surprise to her, and it’s not yet clear what Quaid may have been charged with.

The whole strange saga of the Quaids and Canada began in 2010, when Randy and Evi sought refugee status with our polite northern neighbors after being charged with squatting in a California home. After being arrested for an unspecified incident on a street corner in Vancouver, they officially applied for Canada to take them in, saying they feared for their lives after the deaths of Quaid’s celebrity friends, including David Carradine and Heath Ledger. Although those deaths were both reported to be accidental, the Quaids were apparently convinced they were murders.

“We feel our lives are in danger,” Evi Quaid said at the time. “Randy has known eight close friends murdered in odd, strange manners ... We feel that we’re next.”

The CBC notes the couple believed they were “possible targets of so-called ‘Hollywood star-whackers,’” but doesn’t make clear what someone murdering Hollywood stars would possibly want with Randy Quaid.

Evi Quaid, whose father was born in Canada, was granted citizenship in 2012. Randy dropped his refugee application and applied to become a permanent resident, but his application was rejected in 2013 due to his record in the U.S.—including the squatting incident and allegedly failing to pay a $10,000 hotel bill.

Quaid was arrested in April of this year when it turned out he had just kept living in Montreal since 2013, the CBC reported. He’d been allowed to stay in Canada, provided he met with the Immigration and Refugee Board regularly, something Evi claims he did.

He’s scheduled for a detention review hearing Thursday.

[CBC. Photo of Quaid at a 2010 immigration hearing via AP Images]