Two weeks ago, Texas death row inmate Ray Jasper wrote us a letter. Tomorrow, barring any last minute miracles, Ray Jasper will die.

Today, a U.S. district court judge in San Antonio rejected Ray Jasper's appeal of his death sentence. Jasper's lethal injection is scheduled for tomorrow evening. The AP notes that he would be "the third Texas inmate put to death this year and among at least five scheduled to die over the next five weeks in the nation's busiest capital punishment state."

Jasper's letter to us, touching on race, justice, and capital punishment, was viewed more than 1.7 million times, sparked a great deal of online and offline discussion, and drew some celebrity attention. But it failed to win him much sympathy in the mainstream Texas media. Quite a few people who read his letter say that they asked Texas officials to consider sparing Jasper's life, but there is no indication that that will happen.

[Photo: AP]