If you felt a rattling last night as you slept off your weekend hangover, don't worry: that was just the stars aligning for one Jennifer Lawrence, who is destined to be loved by all for eternity. According to a report in The Independent, J-Law's got a new suitor now that she's done with Gwyneth Paltrow's estranged husband Chris Martin.

A "source" tells The Independent that Miley Cyrus's ex-fiancé Liam Hemsworth has been pursuing Jen while the two promote the newest Hunger Games movie. Liam is the attractive brother of People's Boringest Man Alive, Chris. The source explains:

[Liam and Jen have] always had insane chemistry, but they've never been single at the same time before. In fact, when they first met on the set of The Hunger Games, Liam's then-fiancé Miley Cyrus flew out, possibly to keep an eye on them, I think, because she was jealous. Jen and Liam have been friends for years and she's always confided in him about the drama in her love life. She's really leaned on him during all the drama with Chris.

It's so important to have someone to lean on during all the drama with Chris. Especially if that someone gets you presents!!! The source continues:

Jen started pouring her heart out about Chris and things got personal. Liam knows Jen loves koala bears so, the next day, he had an enormous stuffed toy koala sent to Jen with a note saying, "Hold out for the perfect man."

Holy shit, it's on. Katniss + Gale 4ev.

[Photo via Getty]