According to NBC News' Pete Williams, one of the suspects from this morning's attack at the Charlie Hebdo office was killed during a raid this evening in Reims, France. The other two suspects are reportedly in custody. UPDATE: NBC now says it cannot confirm its report.

From NBC News:

One of the suspects in the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine has been killed and the two others are in custody, two senior U.S. counterterrorism officials told NBC News.

Authorities identified the three men as Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, both French and in their early 30s, and 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, whose nationality wasn't immediately clear.

Williams's report corresponds with one from France 2's Lionel Feurestein, who earlier tonight reported that a young man was killed in the raid while two brothers were taken into custody.

UPDATE 9 p.m. NBC retracted part of its report, explaining the that the actual status of the parties involved is unconfirmed. News outlets, including the AFP and AP, are now reporting that the youngest suspect is actually alive after turning himself in to French police.

"To be fair here we just don't know exactly what the situation is in France," Williams later explained on MSNBC.