Joyce “Tillie” Mitchell, the prison employee who stands accused of facilitating the jailbreak of convicted murderers Richard Matt and David Sweat, is already in big trouble, but if new reports are correct, things may get way worse. According to several sources, Mitchell told police that Matt and Sweat planned to murder her husband immediately after their escape.

That bit of information was relayed from police sources to the New York Post, Albany Times-Union and New York Daily News. According to all reports, Mitchell confessed to police during interrogations that the original plan called for her to pick up Matt and Sweat after they emerged from a sewer and then drive to her house, where the convicts would kill her husband Lyle before all three absconded to a cabin in Vermont.

The Daily News’ source added that Mitchell “didn’t say that she was going to help” Matt and Sweat kill Lyle, but driving two convicted felons to your house with the understanding that they were going to murder your husband probably counts as “help.”

The things we do for love (of a huge cock).

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