Rescue officials say they have recovered 38 bodies from the wreckage of a plane that went missing in Indonesia on Sunday carrying 54 people. According to the Associated Press, no one is believed to have survived the crash.

“The plane was totally destroyed and all the bodies were burned and difficult to identify,” search and rescue chief Bambang Soelistyo told the AP on Tuesday. “There is no chance anyone survived.”

Earlier, Soelistyo told Agence France-Presse that “everything was in pieces and part of the plane is burnt.” From AFP:

Photos of the site show a clearing in thick forest that appears to be fire-blackened and scattered with debris.

As well as checking for survivors, rescuers were also searching for the plane’s flight data recorders, or “black boxes”, which could shed light on what caused the twin-turboprop plane to crash, Soelistyo said.

[Image via AP Images]