According to an OK! Magazine source, Kim Kardashian feeds her 16-month-old fashion doll a strict, sugar-free, organic diet, meaning: NO TREATS.

Radar quotes the latest issue of OK! as saying Kim, a lady currently featured on the cover of a magazine, "has worked out a daily organic menu for Nori with her chef, one that cuts out processed food and sugar entirely!" Ah!

The source alleges that Kanye thinks the diet is somewhat extreme, but trusts Kim. (It is so nice—and important—to have trust in your loved ones, as well as your anonymous OK! Magazine sources.) The source urges that Kim is not "trying to slim her toddler down," rather she is just trying to "keep her healthy." Sugar is reportedly forbidden, as Kim "thinks dessert is just a recipe for disaster." (Dessaster.)

But what about treats? Does North West not get any treats? Tell me this baby gets treats! From Radar:

"Poor North West never gets any treats..."


"...which upsets her when she's hanging out with other little kids whose parents let them eat what they want."

She should hang out with Gwyneth Paltrow's kids!

Kim Kardashian recently tweeted an image of baby North enjoying a warm, seemingly cafe-purchased, whipped cream-topped cup of hot chocolate—presumably in an attempt to cover up this perfect baby's treatless existence:

How often does North get to have treats? What sort of treats is she allowed to eat? What does she get when other babies are enjoying their treats?

Sadly, it seems we may never know the truth.

[image via Getty]