San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, responding to calls for his resignation from former political allies, released a video this afternoon in which in which he apologizes for "[failing] to fully respect the women who work for me and with me" and says he has in the past "intimidated" women. It's the latest shame in what's been a rather difficult week for the city's first Democratic mayor in decades.

Though the charges against Filner are still vague at this point, they are apparently serious enough that three of his former supporters, including a city councilwoman, held a press conference today and asked for the mayor to step down. Saying that they'd spoken to multiple alleged victims of Filner's harassment, the trio called his actions "truly reprehensible." City Councilwoman Donna Frye added that the alleged victims are "too scared to speak [publicly]," according to the L.A. Times.

In his recorded statement, Filner offered little illumination about exactly what he's been accused of doing, but he admits to behavior that was "inappropriate and wrong." After saying, "I need help," the mayor went on to claim that he's already begun making arrangements for sexual harassment training for himself and his staff. "If my behavior doesn't change, I can not succeed in leading our city," said Filner, who offered no indication that he intended to resign.

In a potentially related story, Filner's fiancée, whom he'd been dating since 2009, abruptly left him this week. In a cryptic email to so-called "Team First Lady" volunteers, Bronwyn Ingram wrote, "[T]his is the only action I can take given the devolvement of our personal relationship."

If you've got any information about Filner's woes, email us here.