On Wednesday, authorities announced that big-dicked killer Richard Matt and his accomplice David Sweat (a killer whose dick is of indeterminate size) may have penetrated the border into Vermont, CNN reports.

“We have information that suggests they thought New York was going to be hot,” Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin said at news conference today, “and Vermont was going to be cooler in terms of law enforcement.”

However, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo graciously suggested Vermont was plenty hot itself, telling reporters the state was “engaged” and working “hand in glove” to grab the killers.

According to New York State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico, there is no “hard information” that the men have entered Vermont, but state officials say they’re ready and willing to handle the escaped murderers and their (at least) one big dick.

“Should there be a need,” said Vermont’s Commissioner of Public Safety, “we are on call with fresh bodies.”

[Image via AP Images]