Seth Rogen Talks More Shit on Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber's a piece of shit, that's Seth Rogen's story and he's sticking to it. Earlier on the Today show, he told Matt Lauer, "None of these people in this room like Justin Bieber. I can guarantee you that...I don't know anybody who likes Justin Bieber."
Rogen was responding to Lauer's question about the controversy Rogen started when he told Howard Stern yesterday that Bieber proved predictably dickish in person twice.
Said Rogen, "To me the idea that a grown man doesn't like Justin Bieber is not a controversial thought. Like, why would I? It would be much weirder if I did like Justin Bieber, to me."
Bieber has yet to respond, and yet this is the best celebrity catfight we've had in ages.