[There was a video here]

Last night, in an interview broadcast on a Canadian "multi-faith religious" cable station, crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford suggested to disgraced media baron and convicted felon Conrad Black that a Toronto Star reporter was a pedophile.

When Black asked Ford for the most "offensive" event that's occurred since Ford was caught smoking crack cocaine on video—and was later revealed to have been involved in a criminal attempt to recover said video—the Toronto Mayor said this, via the Globe and Mail:

"I guess the worst one was Daniel Dale in my backyard taking pictures. I have little kids. When a guy's taking pictures of little kids" – and here Mr. Ford shook his head and gave a small, skeptical laugh – "I don't want to say that word but you start thinking, 'What's this guy all about?'"

Ford also implied that Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair had ulterior motives for publicly acknowledging the existence of the famous video of Rob Ford smoking crack. "[Blair] wasn't happy when I told people to find efficiencies. I think he was quite upset at that," Ford said. "I definitely think this is political. I think that they use [Alexander] Lisi as a prop to get to me."

And, as the above video shows, Ford claims he hasn't had a drink in weeks—and offered to take a drug test to prove it. "If they want me to do a drug test, a urine test, I'll do one right now," Ford said."If there's any drugs in my system, any alcohol in my system. I have no problem doing that test."

"Rob, there's absolutely no need to do a urine test right now," Black responded.

Daniel Dale is not a pedophile. Rob Ford is a sack of shit.