Six Arrested During "Mostly Quiet" Night of Protests in Ferguson

The scene was described as largely peaceful in Ferguson, Mo. Wednesday night, as protests demanding justice for the killing of teenager Michael Brown by Darren Wilson continued. "Tonight, the radios were mostly quiet," Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson told CBS News. "There were no Molotov cocktails, no fires, no shootings. Tonight, we deployed no smoke, no tear gas, and no mace."
Police still arrested six people last night; 47 were arrested the night before. The number of protesters in the St. Louis suburb appear to be dwindling, with the New York Times reporting 60 people marching along the West Florissant Avenue thoroughfare.
Tensions flared when two people—who so far have only been identified as Chuck, 57 and Dawn, 39—showed up the protesters bearing signs in support of Darren Wilson, the officer that shot and killed Brown. "We want to know what happened," Chuck told the Times. "[Darren Wilson's] pretty much been persecuted in the media."
A grand jury started its investigation into the shooting yesterday, and could potentially include testimony from Wilson, who hasn't been seen in Ferguson since.
[Image via AP]