Accused "killer nurse" Daniela Poggiali is suspected of murdering as many as 38 of her patients because she found them or their families "annoying." It was initially reported she'd taken selfies next to the bodies of her alleged victims, but the suspicious photos were actually shot by a coworker. They leaked to the media over the weekend.

Sara Pausini, another nurse at the hospital near Ravenna, Italy, claims Poggiali intimidated her into taking snaps while she posed with an elderly patient last January. She's sure the patient was dead at the time.

Pausini, who was fired over the incident, told Corriere Della Sera:

"Poggiali asked me to go with her to the closet where they brought the deceased patients. She was particularly euphoric and wanted to take a picture next to the body. I didn't have the courage to say no, because she is a vindictive type. I was in fear and awe of Poggiali and didn't want any trouble. She used to give laxatives to patients just to embarrass colleagues on the next shift. So I did what she wanted."

Poggiali's lawyer denies that the woman in the photos was deceased.

In an arrest order, investigators claimed Poggiali "draws pleasure" from the killings, which she allegedly carried out through potassium chloride injections.

[h/t Daily Mail, Photo: AP Images]