
Journo Paid to Blog Own Layoff

Pareene · 06/23/08 03:30PM

The Miami Herald just laid copy editor Brayden Simms off. Amazingly, he also wrote a blog for them about saving money in this terrible economy. He wrote a depressing column about how they tricked him into taking a full-time job and then outsourced it to India. Now he is blogging-for the Herald!-about meeting with his financial planner to discuss how to survive without an income. This is just sick. Jesus, they're making him dig his own grave after his execution. Please forward this to every journalism student you know.

Dead Bury Dead in Madison Newspaper Massacre

Pareene · 04/28/08 10:49AM

The Capital Times, the 90-year-old daily afternoon newspaper of Madison, Wisconsin, is eliminating its print edition and becoming an online-only publication. While the Times was once a legendary voice of enlightened progressivism, battling Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy and serving as a voice to Madison's notoriously liberal citizenry, the new electronic edition of the paper will mostly be based around a local web portal and entertainment listings, as that's where the ad money is. More than 20 newsroom staffers lost their jobs, with each now-former journalist receiving a profile written, apparently, by one of their laid-off colleagues, in some sort of sick newspaper-shuttering Bataan Death March. [NYT,]