Perhaps noticing that some of their agents may be in need of a brush-up, the St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy has decided to offer a "highly entertaining" continuing education course this fall called "Officer-Involved Shooting – You Can Win With The Media."

Using the events in Ferguson as their case study, attendees of the single-session training course will learn "essential strategies and tactics, skills and techniques that will help you WIN THE MEDIA" in the wake of a officer-involved shooting. And what's more, "you'll have fun doing it!" the class flyer boasts. "There is NO PowerPoint!"

Topics covered may include: "Feeding the Animals" ("animals" being some sort of endearment for protesters or reporters?), "'No Comment' is a comment," "Managing Media Assault and Batter," and "Managing the media when things get ugly (think Ferguson)." Sure, think Ferguson; because the issue there was definitely one of media handling, not gun handling....

Here's the flyer:

[H/T: Shaun King/Twitter, Photo Credit: AP Images]